All of my contents comes with a term of usage.
  1. You can't, under any circumstances, modify my work, in any way, shape or form. Exceptions are made if you're using a part of my codes.
  2. You can't delete or omit the credits. If you're using one of my icons, you can't use it without credits. If you're using one of my codes, you can't delete the credits.
  3. You can't use parts of my codes to fit into your own code. I don't like frankencodes and I won't give any support for that. You can, however, use the freebies codes in the public section as I do not own and share their TOU.
  4. You can't repost my content anywhere else without proper credit.


This board is currently used as an archive and has been active since 06/??/2013 (following the mm/dd/yyyy format) and serves the purpose of being a simple archive and storage for my graphic works, eventual drawings, fan fictions and themes. Codes for role playing purposes, such as sheets and reply formats were then added for storing purposes but are available to whoever has the need to use them.

To view and peruse the threads that aren't available to viewers only, you have to simply wander off to this page and follow the instructions. If you follow the instructions then you are obliged to follow the terms of usage as written above.


I do not take responsibility if anything looks off or broken on a different, untested browser. I test my codes on: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari. Internet Explorer is currently unsupported as some of the HTML5 used might not be compatible.

Occasionally, contents might have not safe for work details and accents. It will be stated before opening the link or viewing the content. Where is openly stated that the content is not safe to view for immature audience, I won't hold any kind of responsibility upon viewing the content.

Links and content is regularly updated. Broken links are usually refreshed and broken pictures are usually rehosted. To avoid bandwidth issues, be sure to simply collect the url of the image, go to Imgur or you favorite hosting website, and paste the url in the apposite section. If something is broken, you can let me know in this thread.

gods eye skin by vals only for game of thrones gdr